Whether Right Of Wrong, You Make Your​ Own Choices

For so many years I held anger and resentment in my heart towards my dad. And it wasn't even his fault. It was mine. If you have spent anytime reading my blog you have ran across my testimony about my struggle with pornography. How I found it and how it affected me. I've never been… Continue reading Whether Right Of Wrong, You Make Your​ Own Choices

Pastors, Quit Tickling Ears And Preach Real Life Issues

Why is the church silent on the everyday issues? I'll give my thoughts right here and right now! Pastors are scared! Church members are a tough crowd. You say the wrong thing behind the pulpit you could lose your job because you "offended" someone in the congregation. Well, I say good, they NEED to be… Continue reading Pastors, Quit Tickling Ears And Preach Real Life Issues

Friday Nights With Alice | Poison (Trash, 1989)

K, I'm not going to lie. I did not know what to expect upon hitting the link on Facebook. Though this was not written by Alice Cooper they do take one of his songs and give us a glimpse into how... "The temptations of sin are all quite the same. They are ‘poison running through… Continue reading Friday Nights With Alice | Poison (Trash, 1989)

Focal Point

Everyone takes pictures now-a-days, whether it is with a camera, tablet or phone. And it doesn’t matter what the subject matter is, in the photo, there is always a focal point. Using myself as an example, here for a minute, when I take a photo the subject is always in the center of the photo.… Continue reading Focal Point