Pastors, Quit Tickling Ears And Preach Real Life Issues

Why is the church silent on the everyday issues?

I’ll give my thoughts right here and right now!

Pastors are scared! Church members are a tough crowd. You say the wrong thing behind the pulpit you could lose your job because you “offended” someone in the congregation.

Well, I say good, they NEED to be offended. It’s called CONVICTION of the Holy Spirit!

It’s the job of the pastor to guide his flock that God has placed him in charge of. You can NOT guide a flock of sinners “saved” by grace if you are not talking issues. And the reason I put saved in quotation marks is because probably half the church thinks they are saved, when in fact they are just religious.

All these happy go lucky, smiling all the time preachers need to quit telling folks that if they accept Christ into their heart everything will be a bed of roses from that moment on. Because that is a bald face lie! It is not scriptural at all!! Quit being a pastor that lies to your flock you have been placed over!

To all my pastor friends out there..starting next week I challenge you to ask yourself a few questions.

1. How many of my congregation have suicidal thoughts?

2. How many of the youth are having premarital sex?

3. How many of my congregation are struggling with porn or sex addiction?

4. How many are using drugs or alcohol as a means of coping with the hardships in their lives?

5. How many are thinking about or are having an affair?

6. How many of the congregation suffer from depression?

7. How many in the church do not believe that the Bible IS the word of God?

These ARE issues that must be addressed.

What they do with it after the sermon is between them and God, but you MUST preach it!

They must hear that there IS hope!! And that hope can only be found in Christ.

Sadly the only place many will hear of this hope is in a building, with four walls, an altar, a baptismal, we call a church!

37 thoughts on “Pastors, Quit Tickling Ears And Preach Real Life Issues”

  1. Preach!!! Wow. 🙏🏻

    Brother Stuart, I’ve listened to and been around so MANY preachers during my life and I tell you what… if you pastored a Church and if I lived close enough, I would definitely be on the front row every Sunday. No joke.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I am in agreement with you. I pray God raises up pastors/preachers who come boldly before God’s throne, and boldly preach His Words. The Bible has the only Words of salvation, the only avenue to true joy (even amidst hardships) and peace.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Such truth! If we never admit that we ourselves *struggle,* and with real, everyday issues, too, then how can we expect anyone to feel safe enough or worthy of approaching us and asking for help? For accountability? For support? Christ never promised us an easy life. Oh contraire! He promised we would face trials and tribulations, we would face persecution and prejudices, we would face the fire. But He also promised to face them with us, standing eternally by our sides.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. 2nd Timothy 4:3-5. We are living in this times that Apostle Pail told Timothy about. But God always sets apart remnants in every generation (Romans 11:5). As a believer, one should ask God to connect them to such a church. A church which God has set apart in these last days.

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  5. Reblogged this on Alethea's Mind and commented:
    Thank you, Stu. No one would say this if the Lord had not asked them.

    Please share with your pastor friends. And don’t tell me that different pastors are called to preach different things. The Gospel is a Salvation message; salvation from sin by the blood of the Lamb.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I once attended a church where the pastor apologized for everything that he said, saying “he was sorry but God said”. Apologizing again and again. When he asked me why I was so reluctant to join after attending for so long, I told him, “You keep apologizing for God in His house! of all places we should not worry about offending others for what God teaches, it is in God’s house.If they don’t want to hear it, they should not come. If they came just to make trouble, let it be said in a courtroom and to the world that they came in God’s house, so they should expect to hear what God says! He apologized to me, saying he didn’t realize he did that. That he was glad I told him. I was just so sad and so angry with a righteous anger for God. It was His house, and the man of God is to preach what God says, not what He wants to please the people with.
    If you knew me, you would know that was highly unusual. I try not to judge, criticize, or critique the man of God, or anyone serving Hm. But God had this preacher pull me aside in concern, so I was honest. He was a lifelong pastor friend to me, my son, and my family.
    Great post! Very much needed. God loves you, Stu! And all of His children.

    Liked by 1 person

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