Satan’s Lies | God’s Replies: Day 21 Do We Pull The Trigger Or Help

Satan’s Lie:

Judging: A guy caught in sin deserves both barrels!

God’s Reply:

Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Galatians 6:1 KJV

It’s funny that this is the topic…

Purple Rose, Dollfaced Writer and I have been commenting on her post along a similar topic…abusers. You can read her post entitled It’s Okay… And check out our conversation if you would like. Not that we were judging but rather discussing instances of walking away and not reacting.

From an earthly standpoint it’s easy to say that a person should get what they deserve for an atrocity they have done, whether it is driving under the influence and killing or injuring someone, the pedophile who takes the innocence from the innocent, the rapist who takes whatever and whenever they chose or a mom/dad who steals food because they have no money and their kids are hungry.

We will feel pity for that last one on my list (though they still broke they law) but not for others who, for the most part are victims themselves from something that happened to them.

I agree, that if you break the law you must face the consequences.

But, at the same time, I also believe that they should be loved.

They may appear “evil” but they are still a person. A person that Christ loves and died for.

And because of Christ that lives in us we are to come beside such people, Christian or not, and help them get back to a restored state. And we are to do so in meekness without being haughty in attitude. Guarding our own hearts to ensure that we do not become down in spirit so badly that we become tempted to act out in a sinful way ourselves.

3 thoughts on “Satan’s Lies | God’s Replies: Day 21 Do We Pull The Trigger Or Help”

  1. It’s amazing how many times I have heard people say that, they deserve what they got and saying it with a sneer or in a haughty manner. And I’m talking of Christians. And I agree, when people break the law they should be punished, but it’s our attitude, we all deserve punishment. But God loved us and we need to show love also, like you said, helping to restore whenever possible. The Bible is clear on that. Great thoughts.

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