Struggling with sexual sin

This post meant a lot to me for multiple reasons. One being that women are becoming addicted to porn and masturbation at an alarming rate and it breaks my heart.

Eniola is a voice shouting at the monster and saying there is freedom.

The second reason this meant so much to me was that a dear friend mentioned the whole box scenario to me just the other day and to then read it here was a confirmation to me. My lid to that box is closed and put away not to be opened again. Here is what Eniola had to say about the box…

I have opened the box before but I have also forced the lid shut, so I acknowledge that it’s going to be harder for me to keep it shut after opening it before. So I don’t take chances.

Eniola Adeeko

Have you ever wondered why God gave us all these raging hormones and intense feelings, yet he asks us not to express them until we’re married. It’s like giving a child a box of tantalizing chocolates and asking him not to open them until a day or time that may never come.

I feel like that a lot of times. I think there’s just something about being young that makes us burn with passion. Even the Apostle Paul recognises this. The world that we live in does not make things easier. Everywhere you go, something about sex is thrown into your face. Sex has been idolised and made the newest trend. It’s like a train every young person wants to catch.

At one point or the other, we’ll be sorely tempted to give in to the demands of our flesh and if you’re like me, I have given in a…

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3 thoughts on “Struggling with sexual sin”

  1. Thanks Stu for sharing this excellent post. The media is so subtle. I have not watched TV for 15 years I got fedup of seeing things I did not want to see. Rightly so you have to screen every programme you are not familiar with. Books I have not been into novels of any kind. Moving on from this many men and especially women are having sex with demons and prefer it. This is being supported by many celebrities. Unfortunately the celebrities influence people young and old. I pray for a big wake up to stop this. Bless you Stu and your family.

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