My Post Pics For April 2019

This is getting harder and harder! There are so many awesome posts out there it really is getting hard to chose which ones touch me the most. But, I have chosen a few for you... Guys, if you have not stopped by Claudia's blog Between the Lines you are truly missing out. She has some… Continue reading My Post Pics For April 2019

Daily Inspiration: Day 6 | Be Vigilant

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

It’s Time To Let Go Of All That Hinders You

One of the things I did when I gave up porn was grab all my pornographic material and headed to local dumpster. I opened my trunk and threw everything in there. I had to...I just had to do it. This Scripture reemphasizes why I needed to do that. I had to get rid of the… Continue reading It’s Time To Let Go Of All That Hinders You

For My Children I Must Stay Vigilant

As parents we all have fears. They begin, for some of us, even before our children are born. I know for me it did. You see, I have always wanted to be a dad. But I didn't want to be just a dad, I wanted to be a great dad. A dad who would always… Continue reading For My Children I Must Stay Vigilant