My Post Pics For April 2019

This is getting harder and harder! There are so many awesome posts out there it really is getting hard to chose which ones touch me the most.

But, I have chosen a few for you…

Guys, if you have not stopped by Claudia’s blog Between the Lines you are truly missing out. She has some powerful posts like The One Who Heals & Don’t Wanna Start Another Fire.

Here is Evil Exists And God Is Not A Joke by Just Salt, who I recently started following 🙂 and you should too 🙂

We Didn’t Start The Fire by John gives us a look into the garden and not heeding God.

Valerie brings us a very important message for our young people in her post Wolves In Sheep’s Clothing

Melissa gives another powerful post. This one is on our prayer life. Powerful Prayer Tool: Praising Over Pleading

For someone who has gone through the 12 Step program for Celebrate Recovery, I completely agree with what Kip is saying in his post Stop Saying I’m An Alcoholic.

Maxine gives us a great reminder why we need to Escape The Rat Race.

Jenny shares a beautifully written post entitled You Need A Jail Break. Within this post is a letter to a few friends who have been going through difficult seasons in their life. Reblog this one guys or share it on your social media accounts. She offers Hope…something so many need right now!

Steve’s post Sunday’s Sunny Skies gives us all a good look into our time and how we spend it. Loved this brother!

Thabiso’s post Where Your Eyes Are Looking At is a great reminder to all of us. One that says face your giants only after facing God first.

No, Not You, is a beautiful tribute Amy wrote for a friend of hers. It reminded me of a very dear friend of mine who has not given up either! Thank you Amy!

Joni always puts her heart into every post. This time she put her Scars in this one. This truly is a post for everyone. Christian and non-Christian alike. We all have scars and we all try to hide them in one way or another…

I will close out the month with Warren’s Undisputed. The title says it all but Warren’s wording…dang…

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