The Empty Chair

Wow! I so needed this!

This came out of left field and hit the right spot in my heart. I can so relate to the empty chair on so many levels.

Maybe you can relate as well. While you are at go say hi to Jenny and follow her!

Putting Hope To Work

It is inevitable that sooner or later, life will deal a hard blow to your soul and to your spirit. The abandonment of a parent, the betrayal of a friend, the divorce of a spouse, the death of a loved one … different types of losses but common in that each one can and often does bring us to the very brink of our ability to cope with the ensuing pain. The pain of loss which often leaves us with … an empty chair.

I suspect there have been multiple empty chairs in your life. There certainly have been in mine.

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My Post Pics For April 2019

This is getting harder and harder! There are so many awesome posts out there it really is getting hard to chose which ones touch me the most. But, I have chosen a few for you... Guys, if you have not stopped by Claudia's blog Between the Lines you are truly missing out. She has some… Continue reading My Post Pics For April 2019