My Post Pics For April 2019

This is getting harder and harder! There are so many awesome posts out there it really is getting hard to chose which ones touch me the most. But, I have chosen a few for you... Guys, if you have not stopped by Claudia's blog Between the Lines you are truly missing out. She has some… Continue reading My Post Pics For April 2019

Feeling Guilty For Grieving

Yes, yes and yes. One thing I have learned journeying with a dear friend who lost her son, several years ago, is that each person grieves differently and that there is no set time limit for the grieving process.

Please do not rush this. Allow them to grieve in their own way and at their own pace. Would you want to walk in their shoes? I think not…

All the Things Joni

Did you know that the majority of people who have lost a loved one are made to feel guilty about their grief?

Did you know that someone grieving often isolates themselves, disconnects from people, because they feel misunderstood?

Unfortunately, a loved one left behind will often suffer in silence because they have been told:

It’s time to move on.

Aren’t you over this yet?

You need to stop dwelling on this.

It’s been long enough, it’s time to let go.

Aren’t you ready to get on with your life yet?

Or, some of my favorites:

He’s in a better place.

Time heals all wounds.

God needed another angel.

Everything happens for a reason.

Although, some of these things are said with the best of intentions, let me make this clear, they just aren’t helpful! At all!

We didn’t lose something that can be replaced. We lost a person. For…

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