Daily Inspiration 2024 Day 48

Thought For The Day

Something has been on my heart today...I have to get this out of my system.There is a verse in Matthew chapter 6 where Christ is speaking to the multitudes..not just his disciples, that started in chapter 5 and it is called the sermon on the mount. And He covers a whole gamut of topics including… Continue reading Thought For The Day

Stryper Friday: (Waiting For) A Love That’s Real

https://youtu.be/OA4RlnpYu1E Now Stryper never made an official video for this song. So this is just some video footage from Soldiers Under Command and To Hell With The Devil tour neatly edited with some footage from their Live In Japan concert. Totally cool! Real love IS out there folks! A person who will love you for… Continue reading Stryper Friday: (Waiting For) A Love That’s Real

Living Lust Free: Love vs. Lust

Here is the devotional: We have all heard various phrases about opposites such as, “that’s like oil and water.” Lust and love are polar opposites, much like oil and water. The origin of lust is our own self. Love, on the other hand, not only comes from God, it is God.When we lust we are… Continue reading Living Lust Free: Love vs. Lust

Faith, Hope & Love: What Is Love?

Here is the devotional: On the first day of this plan, we defined love as affection for a person or object. Everyone loves Mrs. Smith. Give them my love.Basketball was his first love. There are a variety of definitions we could attribute to the word love and most would be appropriate. However, when we examine… Continue reading Faith, Hope & Love: What Is Love?