Living Lust Free: Short Decisions, Long Road

Here is the devotional: Living a lust-free lifestyle is a combination of several quick decisions. Regardless of how long your road is to get and maintain a lust-free lifestyle, the decisions are the same.You must decide to become lust-free. You must have the tools you are willing to master on a daily basis. The battle… Continue reading Living Lust Free: Short Decisions, Long Road

Living Lust Free: Accountability

Here is the devotional: From the beginning of my more than thirty years in counseling men who are trying to overcome lust, I have used this tip because it gives men the highest likelihood of becoming lust-free: Make a phone call. This principle has two applications. The first application is to call another man every… Continue reading Living Lust Free: Accountability

Living Lust Free: Pray For Them

Here is the devotional: When you pray for someone, you automatically make them a person. They stop being the object you have spent time lusting after. I had the opportunity to be interviewed for a radio show not too long ago. The show was about a man that worked at a local college, and how… Continue reading Living Lust Free: Pray For Them

Living Lust Free: Love vs. Lust

Here is the devotional: We have all heard various phrases about opposites such as, “that’s like oil and water.” Lust and love are polar opposites, much like oil and water. The origin of lust is our own self. Love, on the other hand, not only comes from God, it is God.When we lust we are… Continue reading Living Lust Free: Love vs. Lust

Living Lust Free: Fighting Lust In The Moment

Here is the devotional: The battle of lust is in the moment. The minute you choose to objectify a daughter of God, you may become tempted to use reflexive reactions of minimization or denial in order to protect lustful behaviors.It is critical to create a new reflex for the times you find yourself “in the… Continue reading Living Lust Free: Fighting Lust In The Moment