Sunday Music: Barren Cross | Just A Touch Dawn's post brought this song to my head and it stuck. I had to watch the video and then go back and read her post fully now that the song was out of my head. This song from Barren Cross like all of theirs is powerful! It is also a good representation of her… Continue reading Sunday Music: Barren Cross | Just A Touch

My Post Picks For June 2019

I hope everyone has had a great month! I must be honest, with each passing month it gets harder and harder choosing which posts touch my heart because you all write such great posts! Thank you all for allowing the Lord to speak to us through your words! With that said, here are the ones… Continue reading My Post Picks For June 2019

My Post Picks For May 2019

Before I give you my picks for this month I need to thank all of you for sticking with me through my ups and downs on this roller coaster ride we call life. Your prayers, thoughts, and comments have kept me sane, for it seems life doesn't just throw dear ole Stu a curve ball… Continue reading My Post Picks For May 2019