The Sunshine & Rainbow Blog Tag

Holy cow! I have been tagged😮 Do you know how long it’s been and how much I have missed these little treats? Bunches!

Charity has tagged me for The Sunshine & Rainbow Blog Tag. This blog tag was created to show appreciation for bloggers who bring positivity and happiness into our lives!


I have not been writing enough to deserve this to be completely honest. It must be our conversations outside the blogging world that has brought this. Or…🤔🤔🤔…Charity’s small hint that I should get back to writing and sharing stories.

But either way, I am truly honored and humbled! Thanks sis😊

Here are the rules:

Thank the blogger who tagged you. ✅

Share the badge and rules in your post. ✅

Include this blog tag statement: “The sunshine & rainbows blog tag is an award created to show appreciation for bloggers who bring positivity and happiness into our lives!”,✅

Answer the tag’s 5 questions ✅

Tag 5-10 bloggers whose blogs you love reading! ✅

Include a custom message to your nominees about why you tagged them. ✅

Keep on blogging! We love that you’re a part of the blogging world!

Here are the questions:

What are your favorite kinds of posts to write?

This one is tough. I write about so many facets of life and in various forms from first person to third person. And yet every single post I have written has a little of me in there. I love to dive deep and I also enjoy the simple. The most fun posts are the ones where I have written a story to go along with a photo such as Tell The Story Challenge II | The White Dress,  I Was There and Mirror Series Part I

What’s a post you’d love to write, but haven’t yet?

Another tough one since I am all over the place. I honestly can say that there is a not a topic that I have not touched on. I mean I’ve written about love, sex, marriage, addiction, masturbation, intimacy, oral sex, Jesus and my journey through it all. I’ve even done Q&A post via an email question.

What is something you, my dear readers, would like me to tackle? I’m open to suggestions!

In what ways do you enjoy helping other people?

I enjoy helping others in any way possible. I love doing things for others especially those I love and hold dear.

What (or who) inspires you?

Everyday life inspires me to write. For it’s in the trenches, per se, where hope is needed. That is where my mind starts churning words.

People inspire me to write.

What do you love to see on other people’s blogs?

Realness and their heart!

Here are the 5 blogs I love reading:

Warren, my dear friend and brother, you have intrigued me since day one of me following you. And by intrigued I mean more like fascinated. The love you have for our Father is so deeply and earnestly expressed through the words coming forth from your heart! Your love for your bride always brings a smile to my face. Thank you!

Amy, my dear sis, your words have touched me in more ways than words can truly express. You have such a desire to share God’s love with others. Whether it is through your personal story/testimony or your poems you so kindly share with us we are all truly blessed by reading them. Thank you!

Maxine, my dear friend, you always bring it! Every single post is just drenched in the gospel and how we can relate it to our daily lives. Thank you!

Kathy, my dear sister you have been such an inspiration to me since we started following on another. Your knowledge of God’s word👊 I actually look forward to your comments for I know they are from the heart😊 Thank you!

Vickie, my dear sister, have given all of us such hope! No matter what life throws your way, your love for our Father shines through and point to Him. Several of your posts have left me speechless actually. I look at my own walk and have to do a serious inventory on myself. Thank you!

Now….I know many of you will not participate…probably none of you will and that is ok. Because this is just Stu saying thank you for not only sharing yourself but God through your hearts via your blog. You all deserve this for bringing a little sunshine my way. Thank you for your prayers and support!

God bless everyone & have a great week!

18 thoughts on “The Sunshine & Rainbow Blog Tag”

  1. Hi, Stu! I really, really appreciate the kinds words and the tag. I can’t participate bc I’m with family in FL, siblings I haven’t seen in seven years, so I’m spending only a little time online. Thank you again, my friend. I appreciate your blog for its honesty and transparency.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Aww, Stu! I am so blessed to think that I inspire you! Thank you for your kind words.
    And, it’s good to read a tag award again – haven’t seen those for a long time. I hope you do start posting a bit more, as I am also inspired by you.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats Stu! So glad Charity tagged you, as well! I agree on learning in the trenches! Life has a way of teaching that way. And hey-your blog is as real as it gets! 😊💯👏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

  4. When a passionate moment, collides with a faithful encounter. The heart, becomes enlightened. The soul, reflecting the Rainbow, love glowing in Sunshine. The heart and soul Tagged, swaying breathlessly. By whispers, of God’s love!

    Congratulations, brother. Appreciate you thinking of me, and like always, I respond with a poem! Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Great answers Stuart!

    Yes, to both of those thoughts. I really enjoy our conversations outside the blog AND I would love to see you write more. 😉

    Ohhhh, let’s see… I always value your opinions and telling me what men are REALLY thinking/feeling. Maybe a post on how men think? Or why they do what they do? The mirror series is so good! Maybe more stories? I would love to see you do a post on how to witness to people. You have a knack for that and people respond really well to you.

    Your posts on biblical things are always fantastic. You explain things very well.


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