Stu’s World XXIX

This week has been interesting at work. Monday starts off with my ride calling me on his way to get me saying he just pulled over and had to throw up and is turning back around. This was at almost six am. We have to be on site at 6:30 am. Joy….NOT!!!

So I frantically start texting folks at the butt crack of dawn to see if someone could take me to work. I finally get a ride to work around 1pm. Just enough time to get my holiday pay. I couldn’t afford to miss a whole day plus holiday pay. Taxes would eat up my check and I would be working for free the rest of the week pretty much.

Tuesday rolls around…my ride texts me at 6:35 saying he wasn’t coming to work that day either. I, was already at work. I had planned on him not coming. He didn’t come to work all week. Rumors flew left and right. I stayed out of that mess.

They did hire a new guy though, so we will see what happens 😯

I will say the work week went better without him there.

I did have to mess with the salesmen with my shirt Wednesday…

Erin had the flu all week so I didn’t get to see her until Saturday morning. She stayed pretty much locked her room all week. She was still not at a hundred percent Saturday but I know she was happy to be back in the swing of things.

Brandon stayed with me Friday. Dinner was simple. He just wanted macaroni and cheese 😊

He calls me this morning to ask if he could stay the night again. Of course I said yes, but you do realize you will have to wake up really freaking early. He agreed.

We walked to Walmart to do some shopping. I got him some paint markers and three canvases. We say a friend of ours at Wal-Mart. She is a fellow blogger as well so we played catch up a little. We then say some friends from Celebrate Recovery. They shared some sad news with me. So I am asking everyone to pray for a young man by the name of Ryan.

As we were walking home we stopped by Sonic for dinner. At least they got his order right this time. Now he is painting and making a mess 😂😂

I had a pet lizard in the kitchen for a few day. He just hung out on the leg of the kitchen table 😂

I haven’t really talked with Angie this week. Monday and Tuesday has been the extent of our talks. It’s hard at times not hearing her smiling voice every day ☹️

Today I shared a song that was vital to me a few years ago. The words I shared with that song is a prelude of sorts to a post I am fixing to start working on. A vision in words…hopefully. For the vision brought tears to my eyes. The tentative title is I Will Climb To The Top Of The Mountain.

I will be revisiting the post I Was There soon as another story based on the photo is rolling around in my head.

There really is a lot rolling around in my head. But that’s the problem…it’s in my head and not really coming together in word form. I guess they will come out when the time is right for them to be written.

Anyway…I hope everyone has an awesome week. Remember to be in prayer for one another!!

15 thoughts on “Stu’s World XXIX”

  1. Hi Stu, I’m so sorry you had some tough beginnings. Been so busy at work, I have been missing so much here at WordPress. All in all, I cannot complain as God has been good to me.

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  2. What a crazy week you had! Sounds like the one I had! 😢 Hope things are better this week! Prayers for you, complete healing for Erin and prayers for Ryan….Looking forward to your post about the vision sparked from Kathy’s post/comment. I know the feeling of having lots in your head, but not on paper. Sometimes exhaustion has a way of doing that for me—or maybe it’s me this time of year having too many “visions of sugar plums dancing in my head!” 😂🤦‍♀️😁

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    1. It was crazy. I’m sorry yours was too 😢

      Thanks for the prayers.

      I have the closest image I could find for the post…now the words need to flow.

      I’m exhausted mentally. Hopefully it goes away soon. Mental exhaustion is the worst.

      You enjoy your visions of sugar plums 😂

      Liked by 1 person

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