Dear Porn Addict

Dear porn addict,

Have you ever thought of what your click of the mouse does to someone? Have you ever thought of the woman you are watching and how she feels? Probably not! You just want your quick fix, get off and go about your “normal” routine and then click the mouse when you need it again.


Allow me to be REAL, HONEST and upfront.

When you click that mouse you are feeding more than your need for a quick release of depression, anxiety, lust or whatever you look at porn for. You are basically paying to have these women supplied with drugs, from their directors, to numb the pain from the acts you are watching. The pain of vaginal tears, anal tears and physical abuse from the guys pounding away at them. And lets not forget the emotional scars of words spoken by these men.

How about this: throwing up after a scene because the guy forced himself too far down her throat. Or how about the bleeding from those tears I mentioned above? How about the tears that stream down their faces afterwards from being called names I wouldn’t call anyone.

Do you honestly believe that these women you are watching have sex, whether with a single man or multiple men, are enjoying it? Come on get real. NO THEY ARE NOT!

When you click that mouse you are basically saying, whether married or not, I have no respect for women..they are here for my enjoyment and nothing else. Well, that is B.S!

And lets look at the scriptural side for a second here. In the Old Testament we are told not to commit adultery, meaning to have sex with another person while you are married. The marriage bed is to be undefiled. But Christ took it further by saying if you look upon a woman with lust in your heart you have already committed adultery. Then Paul tells us to love our wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. He loved us so much He died for us, the church, the believer.

We cannot love our wives this way if we are constantly committing an act of adultery. We can not truly love our future wife, if single, if we are doing this either.

Coming from a man who was addicted to porn for years, I justified my addiction by saying well at least I’m not sleeping with all these people physically and I will not get any diseases. It’s still sin, I have repented and have been forgiven and I am free!  I have asked God to forgive me for the scars I have placed on these women, His child, that He formed in her mothers womb for His purpose not the devils schemes to draw me away from God and His calling on my life. So can you!


6 thoughts on “Dear Porn Addict”

  1. Thanks, you make complete sense. I confess, I do have a problem with anal sex. My ex-girlfriend turned me on to it and I have been struggling with the disease for quite some time now. We are no longer together and I have no intentions of ever having another relationship with another woman as long as I live. I guess that is why I never had a problem looking at porn, because I felt I wasn’t cheating on anyone. You can only commit adultery if you have a wife, right?


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