Tell The Story: Lesson Learned

Amy has graciously chosen me to participate in The Eclectic Contrarian‘s Tell The Story Challenge.

Such an cool idea John. Go check out the photo he originally shared…one I call The Stag. Beautiful!

Amy thank you so much for thinking of me and asking me to participate 🙂

You can read Amy’s post here:

Tell The Story Challenge

Here are the rules John set up:

Write a story about the picture you’re given.

Select 3 nominees

Give them a new picture

Here is the picture Amy gave us:

I can’t believe we are here

Hey, you are the one who asked to do this.

I warned you this may happen.

I know. It’s just that after helping the homeless last week I just had to know so I could understand.

Understand what?

Their look of lost hope.

Well, do you understand? Because I sure do.

You do?

Well, yeah. It is their loss of hope in humanity.

All these people have walked by us today and every single one of them could have given something.

I guess so. I mean I know I felt lead to give money to a homeless man last week but instead of stopping and doing what I felt the Lord wanted me to do, I sped up my pace and walked away.

I don’t mean just money. They could have given a smile, a word…something! Even a nod to atleast acknowledge us.

You are right. Let’s go. My heart hurts now and I need to examine myself.

Yeah…we all do.

For this challenge I choose…




Here is your picture...

Have a great weekend everyone!

17 thoughts on “Tell The Story: Lesson Learned”

    1. Thank you Amy. I had the first sentence the moment I saw the photo and had something else in mind. Then I started writing and that is what came out. I’m glad you liked it 🙂


    1. Thank you Kathy. It comes from experience. I have fed the homeless while in Nashville one weekend with a few pastor friends of mine that live up there. I saw them differently after that weekend.

      God has placed me in some very odd situations to change my views on things. I am so grateful for that!

      Liked by 1 person

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