The Mystery Blogger Award 2020

Steve has so kindly nominated me for The Mystery Blogger Award 😊 Thank you so much Steve!

I am sure most of you have taken my word for it and started following Steve for his wonderful photos of his animal friends and his amusing stories of he and his dad going insulator hunting😂😂.

But if you have not you need to!!

Here are the guidelines…

  1. Put the award logo on your blog
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  3. Mention the creator of the award
  4. Answers the five questions you were asked
  5. Tell the readers three things about yourself
  6. Nominate ten to twenty bloggers
  7. Notify the bloggers( tell them you nominated them) by commenting on one of their posts
  8. Ask your nominees five questions with one weird or funny one
  9. Share a link to your best posts

The creator of this award is……………..Okoto Engima!!!

Here are Steve’s questions:

1. Do you enjoy hiking?

In the sense of hiking with big huge heavy backpacks for days on end in the jungle with a machete…probably not.

I like going on a walk about. Preferably in the woods for hours on end listening to the wind, birds, wildlife and looking at stuff. Closest thing to being with God I can get. Very soothing and it is also where I have had some of my deepest conversations with Him.

2. Do you enjoy walking or running best?

Definitely walking. I ran track in high school. But as I have gotten older I have realized that running is really not for me. Now, I will race the kids if they want to, but then I must rest for a while😂

3. Do you enjoy swimming?

I enjoy being in the water…in a swimming pool…but I’m not a big swimmer.

I used to enjoy being in a lake, swimming and having fun until one day Joey and I were on Lake Catherine and we looked down and saw a fish bigger than our boat😲 Yeah…back in the boat we went. That was the end of my lake swimming. I am not fish bait!

4. Do you enjoy camping?

I love camping. There is just something about being out in nature for me. Put the tent up, go fishing, go for a walk on a trail, enjoy the sounds of the animals, watch the deer as they come by your campsite, build you a campfire and just chill. Have a double sleeping bag so you can stay all cuddled up with the one you love 😉. Wake up to coffee over a fire with the ole school peculator…priceless memories!

5. Do you enjoy cooking?

I do enjoy cooking but since it’s just me I normally don’t cook. Angie cooks way better than me though. I would love to be able to assist her with the cooking 😊

Now for 3 things about Stu 🤔🤔🤔

I consider myself, like Paul, the worst of the worst yet saved by the grace of God!

I still struggle daily to walk the path worthy of my calling! It’s not an easy task to talk about the evils of porn when, I would say, most of the world sees nothing wrong with it. But still…I must keep sharing my story.

I have witnessed unconditional love in my life and this woman will forever hold my heart ♥️

Here are my nominees 😊






Here are my questions 😊

1. What, for you, is the biggest mystery of all time?

2. How do you see yourself five years from now?

3. Do you feel the media is not portraying the virus as the beginning of the end and that Bill Gates is at the center of it all? (Yeah, it could only be a conspiracy theory…but there is a lot of truth to back it up)

4. Have you seen what some people are doing for social distancing?!?😂😂

5. How many times do you hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off?

Everyone have a great week. Stay safe!

25 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award 2020”

  1. PTL! Congrats on your Mystery Blogger Award, Stu! I’m with ya. I love being physically active, but have to listen to my limited body.
    I love some of the social distancing creativities. One of my favorites have been friends and neighbors parking in a decently distanced formation in their cars and trucks with tailbacks up and tailgates down as if at a drive in before it starts or a barbecue, except each family doing their own grilling.
    Thank you for thinking of me. Praying you and your family stay safe and blessed. God loves you, Brother.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. All glory to God. The mystery of His love is so amazing! Sometimes it’s easy to forget that we have “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” because the Holy Spirit allows us to.
        The prayers were very sincere. To think on the misery pornography bring, and the dangers it will always present to you in being willing to help others who are where you once were is a fierce foe. God needs to be in on the fight with us… sometimes for us when we don’t even know.
        And of course I think about those lovely kiddos! 😉

        Liked by 2 people

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