Sunshine Blogger Award 2018 | 8th Nomination

Wow! This is so freaking cool. I have been nominated for The Sunshine Blogger Award by Melissa McLaughlin. Melissa always reaches my heart when I read her posts. Please swing by, follow her blog and say hi. Trust me, you will be blessed.

Let’s start this off by giving you the rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.

Answer the 11 questions that were presented to you by your nominator.

Nominate 11 bloggers.

Ask those you nominate 11 questions.

List the rules.

Display the Sunshine Blogger logo in your post or blog site.

Now for the fun part 🙂

Here are the questions Melissa asked…

1. How did you come to know and trust Jesus with your life?

Melissa, I thought real hard on how to answer this one, as my story is so woven in many posts. I will say that I was saved at a young age and made a bunch of mistakes. It was the end of my marriage, with Erin and Brandon’s mom, that I rededicated my life to the Lord. What a life changing experience that night was 🙂

2. How has God’s Word, the Bible, impacted your life?

One, it keeps me sane. Two, daily reading keeps me understanding more and more of the weirdest and greatest love story EVER! Three, it has taught me more than I could possible ever write down.

3. How has knowing Jesus changed your life?


4. How is God using the gifts He has given you?

One of my gifts, though I had to learn it, is being able to listen and not just hear their words. And by doing so God has given me the privilege of helping men and women find freedom from their struggle with pornography.

5. When has your faith in Christ helped you through something difficult?

My parents divorce was a biggie as was my own divorce decades later.

6. How has the Lord brought about something good from a time of trial in your life?

He brought me true friends from my struggle with freedom from pornography and my divorce. Friends that have stood by me through thick and thin.

7. What helps keep your faith growing?

Honestly…my everyday struggles require it grows stronger than the struggle I am dealing with.

8. What is your favorite Bible story, character or verse?

My favorite Bible story is of the woman caught in adultery. I even wrote a post about it. You can read it here if you would like to. My favorite character is David. My favorite verse…

9. Why is that special to you?

James 5:16 is my life verse. If it was not for confessing my faults to others I would still be trapped in an addiction to porn. Be accountable!

10. What is your purpose for writing and blogging?

The purpose of my blog is to share my own struggles, what I went through…to an extent and pointing to God as the means to freedom. Here of late I’ve just been sharing about life in general.

11. What do you think you will say to Jesus when you get to heaven?

Oh my gosh Melissa!! Really?!?! 😁

Two words….thank you!

Then we will sit down and have a long chat because I have a bunch of questions…some goofy and some serious.

Here are my nominees:

Life Lessons From Around The Dinner Table

Alethea’s Mind

What Words May Come

Roger’s Rhymes & Rambles

My Jesus Is Amazing

I Refuse To Give Up

Maggie Tiggles

The Eclectic Contrarian

Vickie’s Book Nook & Meditation Corner

Scribbles & Sustenance

A New Life

And here are my questions:

1. John from Eclectic Contrarian did a cool tag not too long ago highlighting his top commentors. Who are your top five commentors on your blog?

2. Do you feel sad, upset, meh, or happy over losing followers?

3. What is your greatest strength?

4. What is your greatest weakness?

5. What was your favorite book as a child or teen?

6. What is your greatest fear?

7. Are you one of those bubbly morning peeps or a leave me alone til I wake up peep?

8. How has blogging helped you in life’s journey?

9. What is your goal as a Blogger?

10. What bumper sticker has made you laugh so hard you almost had to pull off the road?

11. What is the craziest name of a church you have ever heard?

Here’s mine…

Oh…wait there’s this one too…


Now, that you have spit out your coffee, have a great day friends!

Please note that you do not have to participate. I just wanted you to know that you are appreciated 🙂

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