November | Grateful Heart Tag

Purple Rose has tagged me in the November | A Grateful Heart Tag!

These are so cool. It’s a shame they only come about once a month. I wonder if the mother/daughter tag team will do something similar in 2020?

Thanks sis for tagging me. I appreciate it. Y’all need to go read her answers! I loved her favorite Thanksgiving memory! Maybe one day I’ll have one like that 😯Hey, a guy can hope, right?

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who tagged you and link their post to yours.

2. Link the original post so the creators can read them

3. Use the original featured image and include it in your post.

4. Copy and paste the meaning of the tag into your post.

5. Answer the questions.

6. Tag at least TWO people.

7. Have fun and enjoy the rest of your month! ♥️

The Meaning of this Tag:

“Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.” -Zig Ziglar

Here are the questions:
1. What is your worst Thanksgiving memory?

I’ll lose my man card on this one…oh wait…I lost it a long time ago…

Every Thanksgiving after eating the men would go watch the football game or fall asleep leaving the women to clean up after everyone. I always stayed in the kitchen and helped clean up.
2. Is there anyone in your life, living or non-living, that you never got to thank for something but wish you could? If yes, who and why?

There have been many that have passed away that I wish I had thanked for all the things they did for me whether they knew they did them or not.

Life is short. So if someone does something for you or helps you do something thank them right then. I may not get another chance to let them know how much they are appreciated!
3. White potatoes, red potatoes, gold potatoes, or sweet potatoes?

I will eat them all up. I love me some taters. But sweet potatoes with butter and cinnamon is definitely a lip licker 😋
4. White meat, dark meat, tofu, or no meat?


I’m a dark meat person. It is usually moister thank white meat but I have had some white meat that was so moist and juicy from a fried turkey
5. Pumpkin or pecan pie? (If neither, tell us your favorite!)

Both on the same plate with whipped cream 😊 or sweet potato pie!!
6. If you celebrate Christmas, do you put the tree up before or after Thanksgiving? If you don’t celebrate Christmas, are there other traditions you have for the holidays?

I do celebrate Christmas. I just haven’t put up a tree since the kids mom and I split. Their mom does and sometimes I will go and help. But since it’s just me there is no point in spending the money on one.
7. Black Friday is coming! Do you like stores to open on Thanksgiving? Do you participate at all? In-store or online?

I’ve worked retail on Black Friday for years! Whoever came up with the idea should be shot! Those who work retail do not get a Thanksgiving. They are at their store getting everything ready.

No! Stores should be closed on Thanksgiving! We have enough in this world that takes away from family time as it is…geez!
8. What is your best or favorite Thanksgiving memory?

My favorite Thanksgivings were always at my Aunt B’s house. Not one stands out more than another. It was just always fun with great food.

I am tagging 🤔🤔🤔




38 thoughts on “November | Grateful Heart Tag”

  1. Great job Stuart! Thank you for participating. You have been such a good sport this year and I always look forward to your answers.

    I agree, stores should be closed on Thanksgiving. Online shopping is the way I go. In fact, everything but gas stations should be closed. And people shouldn’t be “out of town” for work that week. I know it would stink to have no football game… but maybe they could just replay a Superbowl or something that day. Anything that takes men or loved ones away over the Holidays is just… sad. Everyone deserves a Holiday with the people they love.

    From listening to her talk, I really don’t think Des wants to do this next year. She has been super busy and barley writing or playing on here. 😦 She is so good at creating these too! It’s been so much fun laughing with her over ideas, talking about life and coming up with questions. I will miss that. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s my pleasure to participate!!

      Heck, I remember when the gas stations were closed on Thanksgiving. I’m old…lol

      Tell Des, to quit playing that game and start writing! I’m not getting any younger. Waiting for a new Dollfaced post is excruciating! She is a great writer!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with most all your answers! Stores should be closed on holidays. I wish all things Christmas would wait the day after Thanksgiving so we could enjoy each holiday as it comes. It’s a shame when we do Christmas almost before Halloween! I ❤️taters, but have never been a fan of sweet potatoes. In trying to take a healthier approach, I decided to force myself to eat brown sugar and cinnamon and butter with them. I don’t like the cinnamon taste with it, so I decided to sprinkle salt instead with the butter only. It’s almost like fried sweet potatoes sprinkled with salt. I love that flavor way better! I do like sweet potatoe casserole though. Have you tried upside down sweet potatoe casserole? It is awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Upside down sweet potato casserole??? Now my mouth is watering!! Sweet potato fries are awesome!

      I love cinnamon. I’m the one who makes cinnamon toast that is weighed down with sugar, butter and cinnamon there’s not much toast to it 😂


      1. I do love cinnamon. That’s the strange part, but not on my baked sweet potatoes for some reason. 🤷🏼‍♀️ There is a restaurant here that serves fries with this awesome dip! It has powdered sugar and something else in it. And a local bbq restaurant serves the upside down sweet potatoe cake! I also recently found another dish with sweet potatoes and coconut I think with pecans at another restaurant! Oh my goodness! They are the bomb!

        Liked by 1 person

              1. Thank you so much sweet friend. I’ve missed you as well. Amongst others, but there are only few truly special ones. It’s an incredible community. Truly is. There really is absolutely nothing like having your health. Is it, health is wealth?! Yes, it is. I’ve been in and out of the ER, and i know it’s all within Gods plan. 😊

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