Q & A Tag

My new bud Kevin from What Words May Come has tagged me for the Q & A Tag. This seems like something fun and interesting. I believe I may do a search and see everyone’s answers to their questions 🙂

Kevin, thank you so much for thinking of me!

Here are the rules:

1.Answer the questions you receive (straight, funny, absurd, up to you)

2.Add three more questions of your own to the list

3.Tag three people

Here are the questions that Kevin was asked:

1. Two part question- Where were you on Sept 11, 2001? Do you remember the feeling of such fear?

I was in a district managers meeting in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Fear…no, but there was a deep sense of sadness and anger.

2. Where would you like to see yourself 10 years from now?

Hopefully married to a wonderful woman and possibly a pastor or counselor.

3. Do you support the idea of Santa Clause? Do you think Christian parents should or should not allow their children to believe in Santa?

I do not agree with the whole Santa thang! We are lying to our children. My now ex wife and I tried real hard to not let Santa in but the world…well…you know.

I personally wish we could get rid of Santa, but as long as our children know THE REAL REASON why we do celebrate Christmas then I can get past the falsehood of Santa.

Here are the questions posed to me by Kevin:

  • If you were given $1,000,000.00 what would you do with it?

One third, for both Brandon and Erin, would be put in a trust fund. I would buy a new car and move out of Rayville. Buy a house and use the rest to help others.

  • If you were given an all expense paid trip for 30 days to anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

I keep saying Hong Kong for the architecture and history but I would also love to visit New Zealand or go back to Honduras for a 30 day mission trip!

  • Living or deceased who would you like to sit and have a long discussion with and why?

Jesus. Too many things to write here 🙂
Here are my question:

1. If your life depended on your answer, would you deny Christ?

2. Would you allow a stranger into your house to stay if you felt prompted by the Holy Spirit?

3. Why is Valentine’s Day so important when, if we truly love someone, we should be showering them with our love daily?

Tag you are it 🙂

Ana at Mom Life With Chiari

Kathy at Maggie Tiggle

Kranti at Sparkkling Thoughts

Have fun with ladies 🙂

27 thoughts on “Q & A Tag”

  1. Loved your answers and yes, it’s extremely difficult to prevent the Santa figure from entering your home. We must just continue to be honest with the children. We recently received a request from one of my child’s teachers to write a letter to Santa for Macy’s. We had the school going kids participate but instead of Santa, they wrote a letter to baby Jesus. It’s whom we are and what we believe in and no one can force us to do something we don’t agree with. 😊👍🏼
    And the children know, if they get told Happy Holidays, they kindly reply, Merry Christmas!
    Thanks for the tag sweet friend. Will work on that soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, my kids would make out a Dear Santa letter, when they were younger, and give it to me saying here Santa. Some traditions are hard to avoid much less break.

      Take your time 🙂 I’m still working on your quote tag. Hopefully I will finish tonight

      Liked by 1 person

          1. I’m with ya’! My mother in law, the first few years would write on the children’s presents, to: so and so from: Santa
            And my stomach would just turn. Until finally one year God gave me the courage and in the middle of someone reading Santa, I yelled out, Jesus, it’s Jesus! And she looked at me wide eyed. Since then, she now writes her name of the gifts. It’s a battle Stuart!
            Thank you! So glad you enjoyed them. 😊🙏🏽

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