What Is Purity Of Heart Worth To You?

In the book of Matthew, chapters 5 through 7, are often referred to collectively as the “Sermon on the Mount”. As I read this sermon in its entirety, I am struck by how Jesus set a higher standard for righteousness than the mere letter of the Law of Moses.

To Jesus, it wasn’t enough to avoid murder; you must also avoid hatred and verbal abuse.

It wasn’t enough to give and pray; you must do so discreetly to avoid doing it as a show to others.

It wasn’t enough to avoid the act of adultery; you must also avoid letting the thought of adultery seize your heart and eyes through lust.

This does not mean the Law of Moses did not set a holy, righteous standard; far from it! The point Jesus was making is that God is after purity of heart, not simply external obedience.

Part of the deception of pornography is the thought that you can enjoy the excitement of lust without having to experience the consequences of sexually immoral acts. In reality, nothing could be farther from the truth! Even if you, somehow manage to avoid overtly sexual acts, through your lust, your desire to self medicate and your desire to masturbate, you will soil both your heart and mind. This will cause a wedge to come in that drives you farther and farther from God.

That wedge, if not dealt with promptly, will cause more damage to you than the shame and guilt you feel.

The consequences of sin will always last longer than the pleasure of the sin.

Is it worth humbling yourself and getting help?

Is it worth taking action to get rid of the stumbling blocks in your life?

Is it worth going beyond looking good and paying the price to develop truly righteous habits and thought patterns?

Is it worth spending time in God’s word and prayer not only so you can overcome, but so you can get to know the heart of the Father?

Is it worth picking up your cross and following Jesus?

Only you can decide.

26 thoughts on “What Is Purity Of Heart Worth To You?”

  1. Really good post Stuart. Jesus did raise the bar much higher than in the Old Testament. Jesus understood and interpreted the Laws of God simple so all could understand. You have reiterated the same in a simplistic way. Repentance is a complete reform. Bless You.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. He is worth everything! Even though He knows we will stumble, and still loves us! But we must keep trying, just as we would want to keep trying for someone we love! ❤
    Praise the Lord for your passion to help others in such a sensitive, but very challenging area of life! Praying for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is true that “Consequences always lasts longer than the pleasure of sin.” Sadly, most of us only realize this after we have experienced the consequences. I agree with Valerie’s comment on TV. It is difficult to find anything that isn’t offensive in some way. That’s why I watch “Blue Bloods” on Netflix when I want to relax and watch TV. The family eats together every Sunday and always prays together before their meals. The theme of the show is integrity. And if you like cops and robbers, it’s the show for you! I realize some may disagree, but I like it!

    Liked by 1 person

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