The Sunshine Blogger Award 2018 | 3rd Nomination

Thank you so much for nominating me for the Sunshine Blogger Award Gritty Momma!

As the Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive, and inspiring, while spreading sunshine to the blogging community, I am truly humbled and honored to be nominated! To me, those little rays of sunshine that are being spread are actually rays of hope!

Here are Gritty Momma’s questions:

1. If you couldn’t drink coffee (or other caffeinated beverage of choice) in the morning, what else would you do to wake up?

Well heck…no coffee:(What is this world coming to?)

Since I am single and can not have morning sex (yeah, I said it), I guess I will go with the old staple of “Oh crap I’m gonna be late”…waking up with only a few minutes to get dressed and head out the door. I’ve tried praying and reading first thing in the morning. That doesn’t wake me up like it does for some people.

2. What is your dream job?

🤔🤔🤔 Oh yeah, a Christian sex therapist who specializes in addictive behavior.

3. Who is your go-to confidant when you just need to dump your irrationality off your chest?

Her name is Angela. She is my go to. She shoots straight and is not afraid to be honest with me…even when it hurts. She has kept me from going bonkers in so many ways.

4. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

Where ever the love of my life is at…when I find her…

5. What would someone need to know about you in order for you to consider them a *good* friend?

They would need to know that I am trustworthy and they can always be honest with me without fear of being judged.

6. Spiders or snakes?

I’m not scared of either one. I will usually let either live unless someone I care about is in danger. I’ve never had a pet spider though.

7. Do you think the traditional 4-year college degree will still be worth anything in 30 years?

Honestly? Ok, it’s not really worth anything now. People with 4-year college degrees are not working in their field now.

8. What pushes you to keep blogging?

Everyone still struggles with something. I’ll keep at it until God tells me to stop.

9. Favorite snack food?

Chocolate anything

10. What one global problem would you like to see the human race make significant progress on in your lifetime?

Physical and mental abuse!

11. How do you (or don’t you) conceive of God?

This is a tough one, as each of us have our own idea of who God is. I grew up in church so I already had preconceived notions as to who He was. I think that was part of the problem when I hit a certain stage in my life. To me, back then, God was the fire and brimstone God. But He is not the mushy loving God people see today.

Yes, God is a loving God. So much so that He gave his only Son to atone for our sins by dying on the cross. But He is still the just and Holy God from yesteryears who still hates sin. (This may need to be a post all by itself…lol)

Here are my nominees:

Three Days Freed

One Indian Girl

Simply Chronically Ill

Writer’s Choice

Ramblings Of A Wonky Girl

Maggie Tiggles

A New Life

I Refuse To Give Up

Random Thoughts

Vickie’s Book Nook & Meditation Corner

Every Small Voice

Here are my questions:

1. How do you spread rays of sunshine (hope) outside of your blog?

2. What is one cliché you can not stand?

3. What does the term God’s got this mean to you?

4. Out of your hardest trial or struggle, what is the most valued thing you took from that experience?

5. If you could go back and live in any time period, which one would you choose and why?

6. What is your favorite board game?

7. If you could cure one addiction to where no one could relapse, which one would it be?

8. If you have a relationship with Jesus, what do you cherish the most about it?

9. If your life were to be made into a movie, what genre would it be?

10. What made you choose the title for your blog?

11. If you were to create your own blog award, what would the name of the award be and what would be it’s description?

To my nominees, please know that participation is completely optional. I just want to thank you for shedding rays of sunshine (hope) and being an inspiration!

The rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and make a link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent to you by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award, and then write them 11 new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or your blog

40 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award 2018 | 3rd Nomination”

  1. I couldn’t think of better person on the interwebs to receive this honor. Congratulations, Stu, and God bless you as you continue to share through this wonderful blog. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. You are very welcome…………I also had a pet snake, a red-tailed boa……….he was beautiful and it was hard to me to part with him…….but he wanted to eat my small white dog.

        Liked by 1 person

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