The Future Goals Award

Hey everyone! I have been nominated/tagged in a new award by Robert over at Watching Daily At Wisdom’s Gates😊

Elisha over at Africa Boy created this cool award entitled The Future Goals Award.

Here are the guidelines:

Pingback to the creator, Elisha at Africa Boy

Use the same Graphic as your nominee did (as seen above).

Share five goals for your blog.

Share five goals for your life.

Nominate at least five people.

Goals are very important in life! Without goals we become complacent and unproductive. And often that leads one to feel unaccomplished in life.

So set goals and strive to meet them with integrity!

Here are 5 goals for Something To Stu Over:

1. First and foremost is to continue to share my faith in God.

2. Secondly is to continue in my calling in helping men understand the dangers of porn.

3. Continue to build relationships with my readers and fellow blogging friends 😊

4. Try to continue to grow my readership through #3 and sharing on social media.

5. To continue to write what is on my heart whole pointing to Christ.

Here are 5 of my personal goals:

1. To continue my fight against porn and sex-trafficking.

2. Get a car!!!

3. Be intentional with my relationship with Brandon, Erin & yes…Angie.

4. To continue seeking God so I can become the man He intended me to be.

5. To be there for whoever God feels needs me at the moment.

For this one I am tagging/ nominating…🤔🤔🤔






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