The Liebster Award 2019 | 4th Nomination

Jacquie has so kindly nominated me for The Liebster Award. Jacquie and her husband have such a passion for the youth of today. They are shining the light of Christ into their lives. Keep it up guys. The youth so desperately need to know of God’s love for them!

Here are the rules:

Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.

Share 11 facts about yourself.

Answer the 11 questions the blogger(s) asked you.

Nominate up to 11 bloggers and make them happy.

Make up to 11 questions and ask them to your nominees.

Notify your nominees.

11 things about Stu:

My favorite super hero is Batman

My favorite comic book growing up was The Teen Titans.

I am a Tarzan and Godzilla fan.

I used to drink my coffee straight but now I prefer it with a little sugar.

I have been 130 pounds since junior high.

I have had psoriasis since my senior year of high school when mom and dad split.

I’m a romantic at heart.

One of my biggest “I can’t stand that” is people that talk with their mouth full of food.

On my days off I just lounge around the house in my Batman pajama bottoms and watch movies, play catch up on my reading and try to write.

I enjoy spending quality time with those I love.

I am a helper. I am not a man that just sits while watching the woman I love do everything after we both have worked all day.

Here are the questions Jacquie asked her nominees:

1. What would you say is the most important thing about you?

I guess it would be my ability to listen and not just hear what others are saying. Listening requires concentration. If I am just hearing I could at the same time be doing other things or thinking about something totally off subject. But listening they have my full attention with eye contact.

2. What is your blog about?

My blog is about life. It is about love. It is about struggles. It is about relationships. It is about sex. There is a little of me written deep within each topic from the simple issues of life to hardest struggles. It is about finding hope. It is about God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost.

For without them I would still be self-medicating my pains and regrets. Without them I would not know what love means. Without them life, love, sex and relationships would be one act of selfishness after another. It is about freedom.

(Gosh, I hope that makes sense. It is hard to describe this blog because I write about things that most men do not address.)

3. What inspired you to start blogging?

I had been writing posts on Facebook for my pages Spiritual Leaders of the Family and Resurrecting The Redeemed From Porn Addiction and a friend kept encouraging me to start a blog.

I kept saying blogging is for writers and I’m not a writer. I just talk about what’s on my heart. And she said EXACTLY! That’s the point…and people need to hear it. So here I am 😊

4. If I visited your city, what would I see?

You would probably miss it if you blinked. We have like four red lights and a Wal-Mart and several churches. That’s about it.

5. A favorite author and why?

Ted Dekker is my favorite Christian author. I love how he weaves Christ into his stories!

6. What is something positive about your childhood?

I made it through it and the friends I made along the way.

7. How would you describe God?

This is a hard question Jacquie.

Everyone goes around saying God Is Love. Yes, this is true or He would not have sent His Son to die on the cross but He is a jealous God as well. He is also Holy and can not stand sin. And because of His holiness will not allow those who have not accepted the blood atonement of Jesus into His presence. They will not stay in Heaven but rather spend an eternity separated from Him.

8. Who inspires you, either living or dead?

Jim inspired me. He was the camp director for Camp of the Pines Presbyterian camp I counseled at all those summers. He truly was an inspiration. He is deeply missed by many.

9. Do you volunteer, if so where?

I have been volunteering at Celebrate Recovery for over seven years now. Though because of the new job I’ve been too tired to go lately.

10. What brings you joy?

My children and hearing of what God is doing in the lives of those dear to my heart.

11. Do you have someone whose life is an example of godly living? What about them draws you?

Close to me…sadly no.

But I have witnessed first hand how living a Godly life can change a person. I have seen drug addicts be set free from their addiction, their children returned to them, get remarried and have hope for tomorrow.

I have witnessed the rebirth of marriages after adultery!

I have witnessed God move mountains!

Here are my questions:

1. What is your favorite love song and why?

2. Do you feel that love goes much deeper than what the world is teaching our children?

3. Are you currently blogging about what you feel your calling is?

4. How would you describe God? (I really liked this question Jacquie)

5. Growing up what was your favorite game to play?

6. Did you feel like a loner in school or were you one who fit in with everyone?

7. Do you read the Bible or do you study the Bible?

8. How much time do you spend in prayer? I know that may seem personal, it’s just I don’t even feel as if I spend enough time praying.

9. What is your favorite dessert?

10. Are you a get in and get out shopper or are you one that has to look at everything?

11. Do you prefer a crowd of people or alone time?

My nominees:








I am only nominated seven as it is my favorite number.

Please ladies and gentlemen please do not feel obligated to participate. It’s just my way of saying thank you 🙂

43 thoughts on “The Liebster Award 2019 | 4th Nomination”

  1. I enjoyed reading all of your answers, and especially this one…
    “How would you describe God? This is a hard question Jacquie.
    Everyone goes around saying God Is Love. Yes, this is true or He would not have sent His Son to die on the cross but He is a jealous God as well. He is also Holy and can not stand sin. And because of His holiness will not allow those who have not accepted the blood atonement of Jesus into His presence. They will not stay in Heaven but rather spend an eternity separated from Him.”
    Your answer reminds me of how the description of God as Love and the description of God as a Consuming Fire both meet together in the Cross of Christ.
    Anyway, you said it much better than I could have!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Why thank you Kathy 🙂

      I wish I could gain weight. I have tried over and over again. I’ve gained weight twice. When Jenn was pregnant with with Brandon and Erin I gained five pounds. The weight went aways the day after they were born. Weird…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks a bunch for the nomination 😊. I don’t do awards but honestly am humbled that you thought of me.
    Enjoyed reading your answers especially ” I have witnessed God move mountains” this statement can provide hope to the ones who have gotten lost in darkness

    Liked by 1 person

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