The Barnabas Award 2019

Thank you so much Amy for thinking of me for this! I am both humbled and honored that you see me as an encouragement and inspiration to the blogging community.

In case you didn’t know this guys, Amy’s blog A New Life was my first Blogger Spotlight. Her poems have always touched me because they deal with real life issues while offering hope through her love for God.

You have been chosen for this recognition because of the encouragement and inspiration you bring to your readers.

The way this works: Thank the person who nominated you, and share their blog. Think of five bloggers that encourage and inspire you and nominate them. List five things about yourself. Lastly, ask your nominees five questions. Why five? Because it is the number that signifies grace.

5 Things About Me:

I love deeply.

I am very affectionate.

I am very passionate about topics I write about.

I have a very high tolerance for physical and emotional pain, but when I crack from the emotional it takes a while to recover.

When I discuss sexual matters I can get carried away and it’s because for so long I took it for granted. For the longest I had sex for my pleasure. It wasn’t until a certain woman came into my life that understood where I came from and had patience with me. She taught what it meant to actually feel. To honestly feel the touch and the sensations that went with it and I was saddened. I actually cried that first time realizing what I had been missing out on in giving and receiving from the heart. That night changed me. And I get carried away because I want other men and women to understand that aspect of sexual intimacy with their spouse, as well as the other joys 🙂

Here are Amy’s 5 questions:

1. What was the last thing said or done by another that encouraged you?

Honestly, I can not pick just one thing said or done. Because no matter how I am feeling on any given day your comments give me encouragement to keep writing and keep pressing on.

2. What was the last thing you did or said to encourage another?

I’m not sure other than encouraging Angie to make a fresh start in her life and move to Arkansas.

3. Give the link to the most encouraging post you’ve read on WordPress

Oh my gosh…for real?!?! There are too many that encourage me to ever be able to think of just one.

4. Give link/lyrics or title of your favorite encouraging song

You’re killing me here Amy..

Again way too many songs that have impacted me. Currently it is this song…

5. What is your all time favorite encouraging scripture?

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16 KJV

Here are my nominees:


Purple Rose




Here are my 5 questions:

1. Who in your life is your biggest encourager?

2. How do you see yourself as being an encouragement to others?

3. When was the last time someone gave you words of encouragement?

4. When you are down, what encourages you to get back up and keep pressing on?

5. Who was your greatest encourager when you first accepted Christ?

*Please do not feel obligated to participate. I just want to say thank for encouraging me and praying for me to draw closer to God! I love you all!

Tosin, I know you are going as an award free blog. John, I know you are taking time off.

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