Appearances of God to Man – Breakthroughs

This stuck out to me like a big huge billboard…
I think it’s important for us to note that we cannot blame our parents for our sin and for our refusal to obey God.
We stand or fall before God for our own actions.

Because for many years I did, in fact, blame my dad for some of my issues. Not anymore though. I alone owned my sins and gave them all to Jesus.

If Ruth’s post touched you please share it with others on all your social media outlets as I have.

God bless!


I love to read passages of the Bible where God appears to man.  If you haven’t read through the Bible, you may be surprised how many times this happened.

Joshua 5 and 6 contains one of these passages. In Joshua 5:13-15 we see that a man is standing before Joshua with his sword drawn. At first, Joshua doesn’t seem to know who the man is.

Joshua goes up to him and says,

“Are you for us or for our adversaries?”

Instead of answering one way or the other, the man says,

“No. But I am the commander of the army of the Lord. Now I have come.”

Interestingly, He says, “I am,” which is the eternal name of God. (Exodus 3:14)  He states that He is God.  And, the following verse verifies this, as Joshua understands who He is and falls on his face to the Earth and worships. If…

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9 thoughts on “Appearances of God to Man – Breakthroughs”

  1. Theophanies, one of my favorite things to read about, especially if Arthur Pink is writing!

    I heard a sermon by Jim Binney that really clarified the issue of the sins of the fathers being visited upon the sons.

    To Binney’s reckoning, that had indeed been the case, but he believes that God rescinded that as evidenced by Jeremiah 39.

    I tend to agree but I can see where sins of our parents effect us.

    But amen, at the end, it’s all on us.

    (Or Jesus if we’ve trusted him.)

    Liked by 1 person

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