Your Husband is a Porn Addict, or Maybe Not, and Why That Matters

Cynthia brings us another powerful message! One that is not meant to lessen the pain of discovery but to identify the problem. There ARE different levels of porn usage. They go from oh my gosh, what did I just see to the oh $&_# I just got busted at work…or worse. BUT, not all are an addict. Learn the difference…know the difference!

Tears in a Bottle

I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend lately. A jamming together of puzzles pieces that don’t necessarily belong together. The variations of “Help! I found pornography on the computer and don’t know how to deal with my partner’s porn addiction.” I understand the shock and heartache of discovering your partner’s porn usage. I really and truly know that pain well. What troubles me is the immediate assumption and leap that evidence of porn use indicates the presence of an addiction.

Discovering the existence of pornography in your relationship is definitely a cause for concern that needs to be addressed with the user. I am absolutely not minimizing or denying the damage that pornography use inflicts upon the user, the partner or their relationship, or encouraging anyone else to do so. But I am questioning the growing belief, particularly in the Christian community, that viewing pornography equals an addiction.

I believe…

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8 thoughts on “Your Husband is a Porn Addict, or Maybe Not, and Why That Matters”

          1. “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” John‬ ‭14:18‬ ‭KJV‬‬

            Keep praying and pressing forward brother.

            Liked by 1 person

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