Look For The Knight With The Battle Worn Armor

This is one of my favorite posts I have ever written. Just want to share with all my new friends 🙂

I hope you enjoy

Something to Stu Over

There are a few sayings that I totally disagree with. And here is one of them…

Your knight in shining armor will come one day and sweep you off your feet.

Let me say this right now…

I’ve always loved Disney movies. You know those enduring classics with the prince and or knight in shining armor that swoops in to save the princess from the villain or villainess and then they live happy ever after.

Those are great movies but they also give false ideals on what life is really like.

Here is why I say that…

A lot of young girls grow up believing that once they get married everything will be fine. They’ll get away from their parents(the villains) and be happy. No…they will not. Because they married for the wrong reason.

Maybe a young girl falls in “love” with the first boy that shows her attention. This…

View original post 519 more words

21 thoughts on “Look For The Knight With The Battle Worn Armor”

  1. Oh my gosh!! Stu, you are describing my younger self to a ‘T’. I grew up in a dysfunctional home and somehow I had gotten the brilliant idea that when I got married I would be loved unconditionally and forever. So off I went looking for my Knight in Shining Armor … twice in fact. The problem with those spit-shiny Knight Suits is they cover up a lot of gunk underneath … and gunk is all I got. After two disastrous and even abusive marriages, I have come to the understanding that I don’t need a Knight in shining armor. What I need, and am prayerfully waiting for, is a man who loves God with all his heart and imperfectly seeks to honor Him to the best of his flawed capabilities. So yes, I am looking for a Knight with ‘battle-worn armor’ (which is exactly what I’m wearing). 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a wonderful comment Jenny! (Can I call you that or do you prefer Miss Hope?)

      I am sorry your marriages were…well…bad. I will add you to my prayer list for a knight with the battle-worn armor and a true heart for God.

      Thank you again for your comment 🙂


      1. Absolutely, Stu. I’ve been divorced for many years, and just a few weeks ago got to speak at a ladies group about the ‘giant of loneliness’ that ruled my life for many years (causing me to run to men for my value/worth) and still plagues me from time to time (as I’ve now been divorced for many many years). There is a tension between hope and discouragement when you’ve been praying about something for a long time … sometimes we reconscile ourselves to a fate we don’t want. But my God is the God who honors HOPE, and so I keep hope alive that He will yet grant me this desire of my heart. Thank you for believing with me for that day.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I know that giant of loneliness all too well. I am so glad you had that opportunity to share from your heart with that group of ladies. Prayerfully what you said touched many of them!
          That loneliness gets me depressed at times , but I usually pull out of it rather quickly…I say that…it could take weeks..lol.
          May He grant both of our hearts desires. God bless you Jenny!


  2. I pray for mommas and daddies to love their sons and daughters truly. For daddies to show God’s love to their daughters, so the grown daughters know what they’re looking for in a spouse. For mommas to teach their sons how to love others first.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. True. Young women need to pray for a godly future spouse who will pray with them and for them. And not give up or settle till God answers. They need a godly man, not a prince! But some do not see the importance of being unequally yoked till it’s too late. Oh the heartache they could save themselves!


    1. Sadly a lot of people settle for fear of being alone. That’s not the reason to date much less get married.
      Being unequivocally yoked is hard.
      I’ve had requests from a few women to write a man’s version of this. I just might and name it Don’t Look For A Cinderella. Because a lot of men want just sex and the housework done.

      Liked by 1 person

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