3 Days – 3 Quotes: Day 1

This is cool! Thank you so much Wendi for thinking of me. I truly appreciate you nominating me to participate in this 3 day quote challenge. These are so fun and it gives me a chance to share some of my fellow bloggers with you all.

Guys, go check out Wendi’s site Simply Chronically Ill where she shares with us her journey through life. Great stuff 🙂

For the first day I want to share a thought that came to my crazy head one day. It actually has a two fold meaning.

The first meaning of this quote of mine…

Porn versus intimacy

Porn completely lacks intimacy. Porn is selfish. Porn says I want you to do these things for my pleasure.

Intimacy says I love you. Intimacy says I cherish you. Intimacy says I want to know everything about you. Intimacy says I am yours and you are mine. Intimacy is not selfish.

Porn kills intimacy.

True intimacy kills porn.

The second meaning…

Religion versus relationship

Religion puts God in a box. Religion says this how I see you. Religion says this is what I want you to do for for me. Religion says these are the parts I am giving you and nothing else.

A relationship with God says here I am Lord, use me. A relationship says I want you in every area of my life. A relationship says I want to get to know you, what you love and what breaks your heart.

Religion keeps you captive.

A relationship sets you free.

Here are my nominees:

Amy at A New Life

Neal at Love Through Blog

Clarissa at Until Seventy Times Seven

Now, let see if I can do this 3 days in a row…lol


♣…Thank the person who nominated you.

♣…Post a quote for 3 days and explain why it appeals to you.

♣…Nominate bloggers each day!

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